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SimAnalytica's suite of software applications enable our customers to discover new pathways to advance people place and prosperity. Built on a common technology foundation called Compass: Engine, these applications automatically connect disconnected data, integrate siloed analytics and unlock team capacity to undertake limitless scenario modelling and optioneering. This results in faster, lower cost and more holistic system level decision making and by using cutting edge digital twins, AI/ML and 3D visualisations create dynamic interactive environments for stakeholder engagement. For example, Compass: Carbon is helping North Northamptonshire explore pathways to accelerate local industry decarbonisation. Compass: Transport is helping the smart city team at Sunderland City Council facilitate fair regeneration and West Yorkshire Combined Authority improve regional bus performance. Compass: Climate is supporting the development of local authority climate adaptation plans and HS2 transform their climate risk assessment processes. Compass: Energy is accelerating the development of local area energy plans and helping the Greater South East Net Zero Hub undertake techno-economic feasibility assessments of net zero mobility hubs. SimAnalytica is an Ordnance Survey and Esri solution partner and our applications can be procured through GCloud to streamline the public sector procurement process.

Our products

  • Product Logo - SimAnalytica Ltd
    Compass: Carbon

    Holistically assess local, place-based decarbonisation intervention scenarios in context of region-wide initiatives. Prepopulated with the demographic, energy, land and building use and mobility data you need, flexible to securely connect your own data.

  • Product Logo - SimAnalytica Ltd
    Compass: Climate

    Automatically visualise environmental data and assess climate change risk for people, place and assets. Assess climate risks by asset, location or population using domain expert risk models and rapidly analyse the impact of a wide range of adaptation intervention alternatives.

  • Product Logo - SimAnalytica Ltd
    Compass: Energy

    An energy transition, local area energy plan and low carbon regeneration techno-economic feasibility assessment application. Intuitive, map based location analysis with automatic substation locator and grid data including site configuration, renewable energy, storage and site consumption technical and economic models with economic KPI reporting over the project lifecycle.

  • Product Logo - SimAnalytica Ltd
    Compass: Transport

    Rapidly optioneer transport interventions in context of mobility, carbon, emissions and equitable regeneration. Visualise transport data in context of demographics, socio- economics, climate and environmental data. Effortlessly initiate traffic simulations and emissions analyses. Rapidly explore the impact of transport network interventions in context of mobility, carbon, emissions and socioeconomic factors.

Case studies

Visualisation, 3D modelling and animations Geographical information systems (GIS) and mapping Digital twins
Visualisation, 3D modelling and animations Geographical information systems (GIS) and mapping Digital twins


"We now have a clearer understanding of how interventions will affect the city: thereby facilitating quick and targeted decision making. Our ability to conduct transport and environmental simulations with a focus on emissions and traffic impacts brings us a step closer to our vision of a smart and sustainable Sunderland."

Sunderland City Council
Head of Smart Cities, Sunderland City Council

Industry recognition

WIRED Trailblazer
HS2 Innovation Accelerator
Find out more about pricing
Public sector pricing information for SimAnalytica's suite of software applications and associated professional services can be found on The Crown Commercial Services GCloud14 portal. International on non UK public sector organisations should contact SimAnalytica directly for pricing information.