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"Hello EA" is a national partnership between the Environment Agency and Hello Lamp Post. Our digital engagement tool uses AI to engage with more communities on topics like flood resilience and awareness, enabling staff to focus on face-to-face engagement where it's most needed.


- Increase audience reach, without increasing costs
- Reduce carbon footprint for engagement activity
- Encourage people to sign up for flood warnings
- Direct the public to improve their home and personal flood preparedness via an interactive virtual flood assistant
- Hear from harder-to-reach audiences
- Encourage people to take action and change behaviours
- Increase data and insights available


Initially introduced in Devon and Cornwall, our tool allows communities to interact with flood assets and infrastructure to receive real-time information, provide feedback and be better informed about flood preparedness and ongoing flood improvements.

Building on its success in the South West, “Hello EA” has now been rolled out to various locations and schemes across England. This expansion reflects the platform’s effectiveness in reaching new audiences (this includes those who speak English as a second language), enhancing awareness about flood resilience and coastal risk management, nationally.


- £1.45m+ cost avoidance, in comparison to traditional face-to-face engagement
- 291+ staff days saved
- Reduced cost per engagement by 92%
- Reduced carbon footprint by 45,000kg and rising
- Now able to engage with the public 24/7/365
- Increased community preparedness, engagement and reach, compared to previous years
- Improved insight into public behaviour

This is a fantastic example of how the Environment Agency embraces innovation and harnesses technology. It has the potential to reduce our carbon footprint by hundreds of tonnes/year. This tool serves as a vital piece in the puzzle, helping us build a more resilient nation against flooding and coastal change.

Caroline Douglass
Executive Director Flood and Coastal Risk Management, Environment Agency

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The directory is brought to you by the Digital Task Force for Planning, a not-for-profit organisation. Our ambition is to promote digital integration and advancement in Spatial Planning to tackle the grand challenges in the 21st Century.
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