Beyond property to a deeper understanding of customer and neighbourhood

- Company: Cadcorp
- Client: Torus
- Year: 2023
- Region: England
- Product: Cadcorp SIS Desktop, Cadcorp SIS WebMap
- Geographical information systems (GIS) and mapping
- Plan-making, planning application and data management systems
- Organisational digital transformation
An active developer of affordable homes for North West communities, Torus aims to build 5,600 new homes by 2026, a development programme worth in the region of £1bn.
Underpinning everything is the drive to create and grow stronger communities.
Clear and compelling insights were needed to enable the Housing Management team to create fluid officer patches, Asset Management to prioritise stock improvements and Torus Foundation to target critical social interventions. Developments’ need was based not solely on the availability of land but on the promise of ‘place’.
Modelling required predictive analytics techniques and a GIS that could verify and showcase the research to a wide audience via web maps.
These maps were combined into an overall index of vitality. Local Knowledge™ provides context by presenting a breakdown of age groups, bedrooms, tenure, crime rates, unemployment, and a score on how a property is performing.
Future projects, including the understanding of ‘place’ before and during investment, the propensity for properties and tenants to fall into risk, customer segmentation, and the profiling of new neighbourhood patches, will rely on the powerful spatial insights of GIS.
“Cadcorp demonstrated an understanding of our values and the capacity to work with us to provide a quality, consistent service, and deliver GIS software and web mapping that meets the needs of our organisation.”
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