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PLACE LOGIC provides spatial planning and urban design advice by combining data driven analysis of urban form with expertise in architecture and urbanism. Through our work we deliver evidence-based consultancy regarding the optimal form of street networks, location of retail centres, allocation of density, and accessibility to the key amenities we need to undertake our daily lives.

PLACE LOGIC believe that successful places which are walkable and support thriving local economies depend on logical, connected movement networks and an appropriate distribution of land uses. Though towns and cities are highly complex, studies of existing places demonstrate the importance of these factors to viability, they help to explain why some places ‘work,’ and others do not.

Research underpins the approach of PLACE LOGIC which is demonstrated by our longstanding collaboration with the Urban Design Studies Unit (UDSU), University of Strathclyde. We are currently undertaking a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with the UDSU, funded by Innovate UK, to develop a method to assess walkability more holistically which recognises characteristics of urban form in addition to accessibility to key amenities and services.

Case studies

Planning and urban design services