Herefordshire Natural Environment Evidence

- Company: LUC
- Client: Herefordshire Council
- Year: 2022 - 2024
- Region: England
- Geographical information systems (GIS) and mapping
In tandem with LUC’s dedication to inclusivity, the project prioritises digital accessibility through use of our Digital Report platform. The commitment to creating a fully accessible website experience for all users, including those with disabilities, showcases how digital technology can improve public access to planning information.
Local Plans are the foundation of planning decisions for a local authority; informed by a range of assessments and studies. Typically this comprises a suite of topic-based static pdf evidence reports. While there is range of supporting mapping in each, there is little opportunity to consider the spatial relationships between the topics.
The interactive nature of the Herefordshire Environment map-based evidence helps planners in making informed decisions and allows the wider community to explore, and understand their local environment. The project transforms Local Plan evidence into a more usable resource for a broader range of stakeholders. Integrating evidence on the natural environment facilitates more holistic thinking. Where these studies would typically be commissioned and presented in isolation, the client had the foresight to think about this more holistically and LUC’s bespoke digital output supports this vision.
It was a pleasure working with knowledgeable and consummate professionals. The final result – GBI Strategy and associated web mapping of data, has been widely acclaimed and endorsed both internally and externally. LUC embraced our brief and thinking around an innovative ‘holistic’ approach and delivered the goods.