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Nottingham City Council developed a prototype 3D visualisation tool for site assessments in planning.

The tool brings together all the relevant data into one 3D environment taking in the proposed planning scheme, conservation areas, site allocations, flood risk and tree cover.

It has enabled planning teams to conduct 3D assessments of various constraints on a site along with visual impact assessment.

They were keen to not just use 3D data but also create and manipulate it using a variety of software tools.


Nottingham were looking for knowledge transfer services related to Esri’s suite of 3D geospatial tools, specifically ArcGIS CityEngine which is used among planning professionals.


GD3D provided formal training to staff in the tools that could be used to manipulate and publish their 3D data. This involved a in-person 2 day training session, plus consultancy days post training for advice on workflows and specific toolsets.


The team at Nottingham had a better understanding of not just tools like ArcGIS CityEngine but also what was possible and where the future was heading in regards to game engine technologies and virtual and augmented reality.

More case studies from Garsdale Design Limited / GD3D

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Garsdale Design Limited / GD3D

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Community engagement Visualisation, 3D modelling and animations Digital twins

An innovation-led social enterprise

The directory is brought to you by the Digital Task Force for Planning, a not-for-profit organisation. Our ambition is to promote digital integration and advancement in Spatial Planning to tackle the grand challenges in the 21st Century.
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