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PropEco provides quick, easy and cost-effective access to the data and tools that lenders, property professionals and insurers need to assess and manage fast-evolving social and environmental trends, including climate change.

Our platform integrates hundreds of sources of data, proprietary models and cutting-edge technologies to provide the most forward-looking and holistic assessments of the risks and opportunities facing individual properties and locations. This powers multiple products and services including an interactive dashboard for property professionals and an API.

The PropEco platform helps organisations streamline their reporting, gain new insights, decarbonise & de-risk their property exposure, enhance customer engagement and generate new business. Moreover, we deliver significant impact through facilitating decarbonisation of the property sector, while boosting the wellbeing and resilience of households and communities.

PropEco Data Explorer

Useful links

PropEco Website
PropEco's main website.
PropEco API documentation
Guidance on how to use the PropEco API.
Data Explorer
PropEco's browser-based property and location assessment tool.