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Preoptima is a science-driven software provider dedicated to advancing whole life carbon (WLC) compliance in the built environment. Our innovative digital tools bridge the gap between design, planning, and carbon policy implementation, empowering stakeholders across both the private and public sectors.

Our PACER (Planning Application Carbon Evaluation and Reduction) product directly supports digital planning by automating the review of whole life carbon assessments (WLCAs) submitted as part of planning applications. Developed in collaboration with Westminster City Council and funded by Innovate UK, PACER enables Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) to streamline compliance checks, evaluate projects against benchmark data, and enforce WLC policies more efficiently. The platform reduces reliance on specialised personnel by upskilling case officers and acting as a ‘technical co-pilot,’ ensuring consistency and accuracy in planning processes.

By addressing critical resource and expertise gaps, PACER enables LPAs to meet evolving regulatory demands and national carbon targets, helping embed sustainable decision-making into planning workflows. Additionally, PACER generates valuable data for future policy development, making it a vital tool for delivering Net Zero-aligned urban development.

Over 40 LPAs and public sector organisations have been involved in the development of PACER, ensuring it is a scalable solution that can be customised to LPAs at any stage of their sustainability journey.

Preoptima’s mission is to simplify carbon compliance, ensuring it becomes an integral part of the planning system and enabling authorities to lead the way in sustainable development.

Our products

  • Product Logo - Preoptima
    PACER (Planning Application Carbon Evaluation and Reduction)

    PACER is a digital platform that automates the review of whole life carbon assessments (WLCAs) in planning applications. Developed in collaboration with Westminster City Council and funded by Innovate UK, PACER streamlines compliance checks, upskills case officers, and supports LPAs in enforcing WLC policies with data-driven decision-making.


PACER's potential to enhance the whole life carbon assessment review process for UK authorities is immense. This innovative platform will empower councils to enforce carbon reduction policies with unprecedented precision and efficiency. [...] We are confident that PACER will be a key driver in implementing carbon policies in planning nationwide.

Hrabrina Nikolova
Principal Sustainability Officer at Westminster City Council

Industry recognition

Winner of the "Decarbonising the Built Environment" award at the UK PropTech Awards
Recognised as a Top 25 Cleantech Startup championing the green construction revolution
Listed in the Top 50 ConTech Startups for 2024 by CEMEX Ventures
Winner of the "Best Early-Stage Decarbonisation Software Company in 2023" by BUILD Magazine
Winner of the "Best Carbon Monitoring Tool" at the Building Innovation Awards 2023
Preoptima as one Of 22 Climate Tech Startups to Keep An Eye On - According to Investors