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LANDCLAN provides low cost data services that help planners and developers assess the suitability of sites for multiple development options.
Without having to scroll through hundreds of layers, you can instantly have map layers and spreadsheets showing the net developable area of any site and its relationship with national and/or local constraints. We pre-process demographic data in a radius around every and measure access to services using crow flies and walking distance.

The data is available as OGC or ESRI feature services to completely remove data handling costs and effort from planners and in-house GIS resources.

Enhanced Access to Information:-
A key part of the 'golden thread', makes it easier to scrutinise the emerging plan.
Delivers truly platform agnostic data.
Preserves the evidence base that was used to classify a site at a point in time.
Enables the collection of different sources into a single view across the LPA

Enhanced Professional Judgement workflow:-

Develop better use of data about existing planning applications in SHLAA/HELAA:-
Flag Planning Application activity to planning officers to ensure understanding of site status for SHLAA and other planning activities
Allow officers to include all planning applications in decision making, not just ones exposed to the public planning portal.

Preliminary Site capacity assessments:-
Gives greater clarity on what capacity /yield of a given site, and gives a visual guide to connectivity and sustainability.
Reduces officer effort in estimating initial site yields manually

Our products

  • Product Logo - LANDCLAN
    LANDCLAN Feature Service

    These are layers with every land parcel, building and address in the country with filterable attributes based on the intersection with other data sets such as flood zones, AONB, EPC and distances to amenities. These layers can be added to ESRI and non-ESRI products and use enterprise pricing.

  • Product Logo - LANDCLAN

    The LANDCLAN GIS has been specifically designed for planners and developers to conduct site assessments and conduct authority wide studies. The application works as a premium app within ArcGIS online and can be added to any users at any time. Layers from ArcGIS can be viewed in LANDCLAN.

Find out more about pricing
£7k per local authority gets enterprise wide access to the data plus 2 users of the GIS application. Pricing for additional users on request but viewers need to have at least an ArcGIS Online viewer license.