Greater London Authority
- Founded: 2000
- land4ldn@london.gov.uk
- Geographical information systems (GIS) and mapping
- Land search and assessment
- Plan-making, planning application and data management systems
We are working on several initiatives to promote the use of cutting-edge digital tools and systems. Harnessing these digital tools helps to:
– Streamline planning process and enhance efficiency by sharing a unified dataset for London
– Improve data accuracy and accessibility for data analysis and decision making
– Facilitate real-time interaction with the planning system
– Foster better collaboration with local planning authorities, government bodies and development communities to shape London’s future.
These digital tools include: LAND4LDN, Planning London Datahub, Planning London Datamap. Please refer to the URLs below for further information.
Our products
Planning London Datahub
Planning London Datahub (PLD) is a web-based platform that delivers a unified, open dataset of development proposals and planning applications across London. This publicly accessible data is updated daily, enabling real-time analysis. PLD helps monitor how London is changing and foster a shared understanding of the planning data.
Planning London DataMap
Planning London Datamap is a web-based GIS tool that provides easy access to a variety of planning policies and development constraints across London. The Datamap is designed to open up spatial data for London and can be accessed online or by integrated with users' mapping software via an API.
LAND4LDN is a digital solution for identifying and assessing land supply in London. It includes the Call for Sites submission service, a web-based GIS tool for proposing new development sites in London; and the LAND4LDN platform, a GIS system for London boroughs to monitor housing land trajectory with real-time data.