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Arcus Global is a market-leading GovTech Software as a Service (SaaS) company, delivering mission-critical technology solutions that enable public sector organisations to transform their service delivery. We currently employ approximately 75 staff, with many being drawn from a public sector background to support our customers in their digital transformation journeys.

Arcus has developed a platform-based suite of Applications for Local and Central Government. Addressing the challenges in citizen digital interaction and citizen relationship management through specific platform-based case management solutions for Planning, Building Control, Licensing and Environmental Health etc.

Our customers include Manchester City Council, Wiltshire Council, The London Borough of Haringey, Folkestone & Hythe District Council, Chesterfield Borough Council, Salford City Council, The Home Office, The Department for Transport and The Department for Culture, Media & Sport.

Arcus builds innovative cloud based SaaS products that help people doing the most important jobs, to do them better. Jobs that keep our streets clean and our communities thriving. Our roadmap is progressive with the adoption of new technologies and tools, and we are supported by our active user base in the development of these solutions.

Our products

  • Product Logo - Arcus Global Limited
    Arcus Planning

    Arcus Planning, built on the Salesforce platform, aids Local authorities to manage activities within Planning Service: Planning Applications, Notifications, Enforcements, Appeals, Listed Buildings, Heritage Assets, Tree Preservation Orders & Planning Obligations. It offers full end-to-end digital solution for all of these areas, from submissions, through validation, consultation, publishing, and collaboration.

  • Product Logo - Arcus Global Limited
    Arcus Development Monitoring

    Arcus Development Monitoring aids Local Authorities to manage activities within the Planning Service in regard to the monitoring of housing, open space, and commercial developments. It provides access to information allowing officers and citizens to make decisions based on up-to-date information.

Built Environment Explainer Video


Thanks to great teamwork between Arcus Global and our Building Control team, we’ve implemented a new system in just 6 months. We’re thrilled with the results: This will deliver a step change in how we serve our customers.

Rob Dobson
Chief Operating Officer, Burnley Council

Following a comprehensive market evaluation, Arcus emerged as the only supplier who could meet our service expectations. The Arcus platform offered a number of benefits, including being able to utilise the power of Salesforce, integrated AI and real-time data visualisation that may open up further automation/service insight in the future.

Anthony Stephenson
Development Management Group Leader, Salford Council

Industry recognition

Planning Awards - Use of Digital Technology in Planning
SME Business Elite Awards
Find out more about pricing
Details of SaaS fees when procuring via the G-Cloud framework may be viewed at

Useful links

Ashford Borough Council
The Arcus Global solution is used by a growing number of local planning authorities across the UK, ranging from small rural local authorities to large unitary authorities. Examples of our user base are: Ashford Borough Council Salford City Council Wrexham County Borough Council
Salford City Council
We are rapidly becoming the solution of choice for Planning Services in the UK with our user base doubling each year. Arcus focuses on clients looking to transform their services, who are moving away from legacy solutions to a fresh modern approach.
Wrexham County Borough Council
As our user base grows, we continue to extend functionality across the platform with an active roadmap taking in a number of technological/process changes. Underlying Salesforce technology allows for the rapid development of solutions to client requirements, allowing for model solution to be configured to meet the authority's individual requirements.