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Through the use of Spatial Data, Landcycle aims to present a National picture of the Local Plan position for each of the 317 Local Planning Authorities.

Landcycle provides valuable Local Plan information and ultimately brings together all key stakeholders; planners, members of the public and developers so that we can work together to build the homes, community facilities and green spaces that are needed.

Landcycle enables the user to view Local Authority housing allocations for each Local Planning Authority in the UK. Gain access to data such as: size, number of houses, plan status, appeal status, masterplans, planning permissions.


The cyclical nature of Plan Making means that LAs are continually updating, changing and moving their local plans forward. As a result, staying on top of this for all 317 LAs has been challenging. Each time an authority moves from Reg 18 to Reg 19 for example, the spatial data must be updated to reflect this change.

Streamlining and standardising the data- sourcing, collating, extrapolating, analysing and presenting the data in a spatial format has been and continues to be a huge project.


• Creation of a Master spreadsheet to track, monitor and update Local Plan status for the 317 authorities. All data is stored in a central database which then feeds the spatial data. This is constantly evolving in line with national changes.
• A deep rooted commitment to drive change and innovation in the UK Planning sector by the whole Landcycle Team.
• The coming together of experts in the industry- dissemination of a wide range of skills and knowledge to create the platform.


Landcycle currently has a variety of users nationally. From Land agents looking for their next potential site through to local residents wanting to understand the bigger picture of development in their community and planning officers who need to understand financial viability.

We believe that Landcycle already meets many of it’s above aims and will continue to grow. Most notably, it paves the way in supporting the government’s aim of bringing planning into the 21st Century.

Landcycle has been a formidable resource for our planning and land management team. The team can share technical data all in one place allowing a strategic understanding of planning allocations and future settlement extension potential.

Lightwood Group
Richard Walker - Strategic Planning Director

An innovation-led social enterprise

The directory is brought to you by the Digital Task Force for Planning, a not-for-profit organisation. Our ambition is to promote digital integration and advancement in Spatial Planning to tackle the grand challenges in the 21st Century.
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