We considered all environmental constraints during the optioneering phase, using our Moata Geospatial platform to digitally represent environmental survey results alongside the scheme design and the identified environmental designations. This tool was crucial during Technical Working Groups (TWGs) to guide consultees through the evolving design, facilitating live analyses and transparent decision-making. Moata Geospatial enabled consultees to take ownership of the design, providing timely and constructive feedback. We captured land interest records and communications in our Moata Land Management system, evidencing ‘diligent inquiry’ and informing the Book of Reference, land plans, and statutory notices. This approach enabled disciplines leads, in particular heritage, landscape and biodiversity, to foster strong relationships with key environmental stakeholders, particularly for the sensitive Hazelgrove House Registered Park and Garden. Engagement with various consultation bodies led to an evolved design that reflected the environmental and cultural context, with landscape and heritage mitigation tailored to the site’s sensitivity.