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To deliver BNG as off-site provider, a baseline assessment is first carried out by CSX to determine baseline habitats and biodiversity uplift.

A project in North Yorkshire is set to deliver between 23.52 to 27.92 BNG units; using a drone survey and quadrat imagery, baseline habitats have been identified according to UK Habitat Classification and entered into the DEFRA BNG Statutory Metric.

The aim of this project is to generate a biodiversity uplift through enhancement and creation of ecologically important habitats, improving species diversity, ecosystem services and connectivity, supporting the landowner to make environmentally & financially sustainable land management choices.


There are risks and challenges involved in the delivery of such a project, such as over poaching of land when livestock is kept on fields during wet weather, soil erosion from areas left unvegetated for long periods, changes and unpredictability of climate. All these factors, and more, contribute to project risk and the ability to reach target condition during the project lifetime.

It should also be noted that BNG projects have a 30-year lifetime and therefore ensuring the project area is suitably managed across that time period presents itself as a challenge.


To overcome challenges faced, it is crucial we provide a coherent Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan outlining a 30-year management plan in which we identify potential challenges. From this, we outline mitigation measures to reduce these risks.

The HMMP must also be regularly updated to ensure fluidity of the project as it progresses, ultimately to ensure we supporting the landowner to deliver the best outcome for biodiversity.

Regular monitoring intervals across the 30-year project lifetime are also implemented to ensure project delivery is on track to deliver the proposed outcomes. CSX works in collaboration with the landowner and Local Planning Authority to ensure monitoring is carried out effectively and habitat enhancement and creation remains on-track.


This project will be ongoing for 30 years to meet the BNG requirements, with an end date expected 2054.

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