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This report and summary is downloadable from the MCHLG Local Digital website at

It examines the social-economic value of 3D geospatial information to LPAs and developers and is focused on the pre-application phase and approval of major planning applications, for urban design as well as inward investment activity.

The research indicates a 2:1 return on investment to the LPA and potneital over 20:1 return over a 10 year life cycle for the public and private sector participants in the digital planning process in Nottingham.


The strategic case for investment in 3D geospatial data to support more efficient davelopment management and better decsion making is often clear to staff working within Local Planning Authorities but expressing the socio-economic benefits in financial terms is often not assessed. This makes it more difficult to justify investment because it cannot be objectively compared to other priorities. In the past 10 years an increasing number of studies have been undertaken in different developed economies that attempt to address this lack of quantified evidence. However, there are few, if any studies that focus specifically on the application of 3D geospatial data in the planning sector.


Nottingham City have been at the forefront of developing 3D geospatial capabilities for more than a decade.

The team’s efforts have culminated in a digital twin of the city – a bespoke online GIS assessment tool which is being used to support planning officers handle major development applications. They have also developed 3D immersive assets which have enhanced engagement and collaboration activities and improved understanding of the urban environment and its challenges.

The use of 3D models has enabled the members of the planning team to hold more effective and interactive discussions with planning applicants around the model and negotiate improvements in proposed schemes proving to be an invaluable part of the design process.

The digital model is also proving to be a crucial tool to engage stakeholders such as Historic England, and wider statutory consultees, regarding potential new development and their impact on the surrounding environment and protected views.


Form interviews with members of the Development Management and Urban Design teams within the LPA and a local developer and planning consultancy practice, the team derived estimates of the benefits of using these 3D tools.

The Return on Investment analysis over a 10-year period assessed the benefit to cost ratio as 2:1 for internal planning processes. Demonstrating that the financial benefits outweigh the investment costs despite the small number of potential internal applications that were quantified.

Additionally, it showed an impressive 20:1 benefit-to-cost ratio and a Cumulative Net Present Value (NPV) of £7.0m once potential benefits to developers were taken into account.

This is based on an estimated investment cost of £0.4million over the same period. Included in the cost estimates were data and system costs, software tools, staff resources, training and overheads.

Scaling these results to give a national assessment will require further work but are encouraging.

Thank you so much for collaborating with us on this.

We truly hope that this resource proves valuable in helping other LPAs establish their 3D capabilities, enabling them to reap the benefits and contribute to enhancing the planning system for everyone.

Mick Dunn
Business Development Specialist

An innovation-led social enterprise

The directory is brought to you by the Digital Task Force for Planning, a not-for-profit organisation. Our ambition is to promote digital integration and advancement in Spatial Planning to tackle the grand challenges in the 21st Century.
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